1.Earth is getting warmer, which is a politically sensitiveissue causing many creatures across the world to have starved or even died, according to some broadcasts. For this phenomenon, the "greenhouse effect" is to blame. Naturally, when the heat from the earth is released back into space, greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap some, keeping Earth’s climate in a harmonious way to sustain life. However, human activities like burning fossil fuels produce too many greenhouse gases, which cause a rise in temperature on Earth. Luckily, governments worldwide are planning reforms and comprehensive policies to restrict greenhouse gas emissions, along with the efforts of enterprises and the public.
2.Nobody can tolerate living in a hot pot. There is no doubt that mankind has to submit to some urgent problems — the warming trend of Earth and the consequent problems like the melting ice, frequent extreme weather and ecologicalchaos. There is so much we must do and we can do. We, as individuals, can reduce our "carbon footprint" indozens of ways. On behalf of the young, I will seize every opportunity to play a role in the environmental conservation campaign.