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河北省省级联测2023届高三上学期第一次月考试题 (英语)
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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小923 K
  • 更新时间2022/11/9 9:40:40
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One Day Mini Group Great Wall Hiking Tour


We will pick you up from your hotel at around 07:30. After meeting all group members, we will set out for Simatai Great Wall. It will take us 3.5 hours. When we arrive, we’ll begin to hike and reach the East Five-Window Tower after one hour.

Continue marching westwards to the Jinshanling Great Wall, we will pass by three famous watchtowers, namely Big Jinshan Tower, Small Jinshan Tower, and Black Tower. After another one hour's hiking, we will arrive at the Shalingkou Pass. You may either return at Shalingkou or continue hiking for another 30 minutes to Zhuanduokou Pass. Then we will send you back to the hotel.

Highlights of Jinshanling Great Wall

Unlike Badaling and Mutianyu, seldom repair work was conducted at the Jinshanling Great Wall since the Ming Dynasty. It can also offer you great shots with the wall winding their may over the mountain ranges and watchtowers in various styles distributed along the wall. While hiking, our guide will show you the bricks carved with characters, which is another highlight of the Jinshanling Great Wall.

Departure: Tue./Thur./Sat./Sun.

Tour Price:US$ Per Person

Adult>11 years old


Child6-11 years old


Price Includes:

·Entrance fees as indicated above

·Professional English speaking guide

·Unlimited bottles of drinking water

·Pick-up & drop-off from the hotel

Price Excludes:

·Meals, advice freely available


·Tips for guide and driver

Payment & Cancellation:

Full payment is required at least two days before the day trip. Your payment is fly refundable if you cancel more than 24 hours before the trip. Cancellation within 24 hours or my unused portion after the trip begins is non-refundable.

1. Where will tourists arrive at noon?

A. Shalingkou Pass.                                                     B. Small Jinshan Tower.

C. Zhuanduokou Pass.                                                 D. The East Five-Window Tower.

2. What can you see at Jinshanling Great Wall?

A. Its original look.                                                      B. Its longest wall.

C. Bricks of various shapes.                                         D. Watchtowers of a style.

3. What is included in the price?

A. Meal.                                                                     B. Transport.

C. Wine.                                                                     D. Accommodation.

【答案】1. D2. A3. B

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