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湖北省武汉市部分重点中学2021-2022学年高二下学期期中联考试题(英语 无答案)
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  • 更新时间2022/9/12 13:45:52
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Different countries celebrate Christmas in different ways. We asked some of our friends to explain what happens in their countries. This is what they told us.


In France, Christmas is always called Noël. Everyone has a Christmas tree, sometimes decorated in the old way with red ribbons and real white wax candles. Fir trees in the garden are often decorated too, with lights on all night.

Father Christmas is called Père Noël. The Christmas meal is an important family gathering with good meat and the best wine. Few people send Christmas cards. More people send New Year cards to wish everyone good luck and joy for the New Year. These days Christmas lunch is a starter of foie gras a strong tasting pate made from goose liver followed by lunch of seafood - usually including lobsters and oysters.

New Zealand

Christmas starts for us with gifts under the tree, to be opened on Christmas morning. Then it's onto a Christmas lunch either at home or at one's parents place. Turkey or chicken with all the trimmings佐料 is eaten, then comes tea time, it is a BBQ for friends and family to get together, and have a few beers or wines with the meal!


In the days of the Soviet Union, Christmas was not celebrated very much. New Year was the important time - when Father Frost brought presents to children. With the fall of Communism, Christmas can be openly celebrated - either on December 25th;or more often on January 7th. Th unusual date is because the Russian Orthodox church uses the old Julian calendar for religious celebration days. Special Christmas food includes cakes, pies and meat dumplings.


The most important day is Christmas Eve. A special Christmas meal is eaten on Christmas Eve- ham pork, herring fish, and brown beans-and this is the time when families give presents to each other. Many people attend a church meeting early on Christmas Day.

21. Why do people in France send New Year cards?

A. To tell their friends the New Year is coming.

B. To ask for some special presents.

C. To invite their friends to family gathering.

D. To send their friends best wishes and happiness for the New Year.

22. What do they have in common when celebrating Christmas?

A. A special meal is prepared.

B. Everyone has a Christmas tree.

C. Parents give gifts to their children.

D. People attend a church gathering.

23. Which country celebrates Christmas"twice?

A. France.                   B. New Zealand                    C. Sweden             D. Russia

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