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北京市顺义区2021-2022学年高三下学期第二次统练 试题(英语)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小1035 K
  • 更新时间2022/9/6 9:05:14
    下载统计今日0 总计1
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I love animals. So when Dr. Vannini said his vet hospital needed help, I was ___1___.

I volunteered to clean up and help in several medical procedures. But the moment I will never ___2___ came when an emergency was rushed through the front door.

A retriever (寻回犬)was in deep ___3___. A check-up revealed that she had a baby developing in her body but no heartbeat could be detected. It was assumed that her puppy (小狗)had not ___4___. The retriever would need immediate ___5___ to save her life. I couldn’t take my eyes off Dr. Vannini’s hands as she stopped the bleeding and repaired the dog’s vital organs.

Near the end of the surgery, something caught my eye. I thought I saw the ___6___ puppy move. I couldn’t keep still and whispered. The puppy had indeed shown a spark (火花)of life! We ___7___ took action. Soon, he was up and moving. It was a(n)___8___ feeling to hold this new life in my hands.

The experience was especially meaningful for me because a week earlier I had witnessed the ___9___, the end of life. My beloved dog, Scamper, finally died of a lifelong weakness of heart. He almost _____10_____ it to six. Scamper was a great dog, a true friend, and I will never forget him. Seeing the new puppy and his mother leave the hospital is something I will never forget either.

1. A. shocked                     B. puzzled                          C. delighted                        D. depressed

2. A. suspect                      B. forget                            C. encounter                      D. seize

3. A. confusion                   B. thought                          C. suffering                        D. sorrow

4. A. survived                     B. jumped                           C. barked                           D. waked

5. A. support                      B. response                        C. comfort                         D. surgery

6. A. homeless                    B. lifeless                           C. careless                         D. faultless

7. A. quickly                       B. finally                            C. softly                            D. roughly

8. A. ashamed                     B. formal                            C. bored                            D. incredible

9. A. event                         B. growth                           C. opposite                         D. accident

10. A. made                        B. gave                              C. lifted                             D. held


【答案】1. C2. B3. C4. A5. D6. B7. A8. D9. C10. A

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