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安徽省示范高中培优联盟2021-2022学年高一上学期冬季联赛 (英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小2728 K
  • 更新时间2022/9/5 14:05:14
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The technology industry is one with deep influence, its progress greatly influencing us and forever changing our lifestyles. There are, however, a few key individuals who have left a deeper mark in this world of tech. These individuals have also changed the lives of many, giving them motivation and the will to persevere to the end. Who exactly are these people?


The first individual is the CEO of Pixar and the co-founder and CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs. Although he passed on years ago, he was, and still is, the perfect role model for many entrepreneurs. Undoubtedly, his life can be compared to that of a rollercoaster. He was fired from the company that he co-founded(which would later become known as Apple), then he went on to start up two other successful companies, before returning to Apple, where he created the iPhone.


The owner of Khan Academy, one of the biggest online education providers. He may not be as famous as the others, but his contribution to education deserves as much credit. Using his website, anyone can have unlimited access to educational videos that teach just about anything under the sun for free, allowing people to gain in-depth knowledge about many subjects without emptying their wallets.


The list of inspiring tech personalities would not be complete without the mention of the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. Many are aware of his success in building the  $ 350- billion company but not many know that he had to journey through a rocky path to get to where he is today. He dropped out of college and had disagreements with his co-founders. He had to tide over 22 uncertain times before reaching unprecedented success, Today, Facebook has over a billion users and slightly more than 20,000 employees. Impressive, indeed.

21. Who provides free knowledge?

A. Mark Zuckerberg      B. Sal Khan     C. Steve Jobs      D. Pixar

22. What can we learn from Mark Zuckerberg's story?

A. Nobody can succeed without a college degree.

B. He achieved success more easily than the other two.

C. Degree is not everything we need to realize dreams.

D. He received much help from his co-founders.

23. In which field have they made great contributions?

A. Agriculture      B. Education      C. Science and technology      D. Sports.

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