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安徽省马鞍山第二中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试试题 (英语)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小973 K
  • 更新时间2022/8/15 10:13:56
    下载统计今日0 总计2
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They were a happy familyfour daughters were all in the same school in different grades. The youngest, Janice, who was in my class, seemed to be glued() to her mother’s skirts. The three older girls took the bus to school every morning, but Janice was always driven to school by her mother.

One Friday, Janice’s mother asked for a talk with me. She said in a soft voice, “My husband is going to Europe on business for two weeks, and he insists that I go with him. I have tried to explain over and over that Janice needs me here. But he thinks that she will be fine without me so I have no choice; I have to go. I have told the babysitter to drive her every morning. Will you please give Janice special attention and help her? I want to be sure everything goes well for her.”

I told her that we would make every effort to support Janice. I even volunteered to meet Janice at her car so she would see a familiar face. As a mother myself, I’d like to help. Janice’s mother thanked me for my understanding.

On Monday morning, expecting a tearful, anxious child, I planned a special program of fun and games. I waited outside to greet Janice, but just then the bus arrived and not three, but four girls got off. Janice skipped along joyfully, saying “goodbye” to her sisters as she ran with two friends into the classroom. I walked slowly into the classroom and called Janice over to ask how the bus ride went. Impatiently she said, “Oh, I always want to take the bus with the other kids, but Mother needs to be with me. You see there won’t be any more babies, so I have to be a baby a little longer. While she is away, I’ll just ride the bus every day. I am five, you know.”

21. Why did Janice’s mother want to have a talk with the author?

A. To ask her to help Janice with her homework.    B. To ask her to pick up Janice every day.

C. To ask her to meet Janice at her car.                         D. To ask her to give Janice more attention.

22. What did the author not do for Janice?

A. Plan a special program of fun and games.          B. Wait for her outside the school.

C. Greet her when she got off the car.                   D. Ask about her bus ride.

23. What do we know from the passage?

A. Janice is too young to go to school by bus.        B. Janice likes taking a bus to school.

C. Janice doesn’t like her babysitter.                      D. Janice is no longer a child.


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