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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小966 K
  • 更新时间2022/8/4 15:30:21
    下载统计今日0 总计1
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Music for Life

Learning music is important for the educational and personal development of young people!

Learning an instrument: how do pupils choose?

All our teachers are highly qualified and experienced musicians, and pupils can learn to play a wide range of instruments, from the keyboard to the drums (). We have open days when new pupils who are unsure which instrument to choose can come to the centre. They are able to speak to teachers about which instrument might be best for them, and they can also see and hear classes in action.

Who is responsible for buying the instruments?

Parents usually have to provide instruments. But parents of beginners are advised not to buy an instrument until they are told that a place is available. They should also find out from the teacher the most suitable type of instrument to get.

When and where do lessons take place?

Lessons are available in many schools, usually during the day. If there is no lesson available for a particular instrument in a particular school, other arrangements can be made at one of our music centres for lessons on Saturday afternoons or weekday evenings.

How are pupils taught?

Pupils can learn in small groups, in classes or individually, depending on their needs. Small groups of three pupils have lessons that last thirty minutes. Class lessons last forty-five minutes and have at least ten pupils. Individual lessons are offered only to pupils who have some experience.

Starting young: when can pupils begin?

Children are never too young to become interested in music. We have special “Musical Youth” classes for children from the age of 3 to 8. These are designed to encourage young children to enjoy music through a variety of activities including singing, musical games, listening and movement. “Musical Youth” classes take place on Saturday mornings with groups of about 18 children. A parent or other adult must attend each session, and they are encouraged to sit with their children and help them with the activities.

1. What can we learn from the text?

A. Pupils are advised to learn special instruments on Sunday afternoons.

B. Teachers at the centre should prepare the right instruments for pupils.

C. Pupils are offered open days by the centre to choose a right instrument.

D. Parents are required to stay with their kids during the learning process.

2. What is the wise choice for a child with some experience?

A. Individual lessons.                                                   B. Class lessons for more than ten.

C“Musical Youth” classes.                                           D. Small groups lessons for three.

3. Who is the text intended for?

A. Teachers.                       B. Pupils.                           C. Musicians.                     D. Parents.


【答案】1. C2. A3. D

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