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Traveling to Europe to see its famous monuments like the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Colosseum(古罗马竞技场)in Rome, is not exactly the ideal vacation for kids. Fortunately, Europe has more to offer than lots of old churches and ancient history. You can enjoy some fun with your kids in the sun at some of the famous beaches of the continent.

Mykonos, Greece

The closer you get to the equator, the longer the beach season is, and Greece is wonderful for that. You can enjoy beautiful green water, public chairs and lovely umbrellas at the beaches in Mykonos.

Dubrovnik, Croatia

There’s nothing more attractive than the beautiful beaches bordering Dubrovnik, Croatia’s most beautiful city. It’s surrounded by stone walls like a castle. It almost makes you feel like you’re suntanning(晒黑皮肤) at Hogwarts, where the hero Harry Potter of the story is trained!

Sicily, Italy

Rabbit Beach on the island of Sicily offers shallow and crystal clear waters, making it a perfect beach for families with young children. And if you want to add interest to your experience, try snorkeling(徒手潜水).

Nice, France

Lined with palm trees and first-class hotels, the city of Nice, located on the French Riviera, offers a whole coastline of Mediterranean beaches. Because they’re in the heart of the city, these beaches attract a large crowd. So if you’re looking for something more private, you’ll have to travel a few miles outside of the city center.

Ribadeo, Spain

At low tide, Playa de las Catedrales in Ribadeo, Spain is the perfect beach to take in the natural wonders without urban amusements like restaurants, bars or huge crowds. It boasts beautiful wild flowers and unique rock formations making it truly a picture worthy.

21What makes Dubrovnik so special?

AIt is surrounded by stone walls.  BIt has the most attractive coastline.

CIt has the longest beach season.  D. It is the training center of Harry Potter.

22If you plan to go to a beach in the city, where should you go?

AMykonos.         BSicily.          CNice.            D. Ribadeo.

23Which of the following is true about Ribadeo?

AVisitors can try snorkeling there. BIt offers visitors first-class hotels.

CIt has restaurants, bars and huge crowds.  D. Visitors can enjoy unique rock formations there.

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