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There are so many websites to help you plan trips and book trips and save money on trips. Here is a selection of 4 you should consider bookmarking(收藏).

Dishtip. com

If I had to pick just one site to help with restaurant information around the world, it would be Chowhound. com. However, Dishtip. com organizes the world of eating out in the United States in a totally new way: By turkey sandwich or blueberry pie. In other words, by single dish, not by restaurant.

Stay. com

I’m generally doubtful of sites that say they can plan your trips for you. But for a quick information collection, Stay. com is not bad at all.

Here’s what you do: Choose one destination. Then go through the list of top attractions, museums and the like. Click on whatever you want. Those choices will turn into a personalized plan that can be either printed out or sent to your smartphone with an online city map.

Skypicker. com

Skypicker seems like the “explore” page of Kayak. com but just provides flights within Europe, at very, very cheap price.

I once booked a $48 round trip between Ryanair and Nimes in the south of France at Skypicker. com. When I actually went to Ryanair to book, the cost was $55. think the final cost might be a bit more. But still, a good deal.

Vayama. com

Vayama is a flight search engine that specializes in international travels. It sometimes gives you a lower price on a “secret carrier” whose name and exact cost you don’t know until you’ve actually your ticket.

1. Which website should you go to find the general information about a restaurant?

A. Chowhound. com.                                                   B. Dishtip. com.

C. Kayak. com.                                                           D. Stay. com.

2. The Stay. com will provide its visitors with      .

A. a reliable trip plan                                                    B. useful information for their trip planning

C. an off-line guide                                                      D. printed and personalized schedules

3. How is Vayama. com different from Skypicker. com?

A. It sells tickets at much lower prices.

B. It does not show the exact ticket prices.

C. It only lists flights operating within Europe.

D. It just provides flights for international travels.

【答案】1. A    2. B    3. D

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