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浙江省嘉兴市2022届高三下学期4月教学测试(二模) (英语)
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  • 文件大小973 K
  • 更新时间2022/6/7 8:23:24
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Tiny homes have been popular as home prices have climbed to new heights and people have looked for creative ways to downsize. We’ve seen many design concepts, including storage units and buses, but Jim Dotzenrod and his daughter Danielle recently came up with a unique one. The pair worked together on the family project to transform a 1973 train caboose (乘务员专用车厢) into the sleeper car.

The CR Station Train Caboose, as it’s known on Airbnb, which has become somewhat of its own tourist destination in the small town that houses it, is available to rent for $124 a night, and has an excellent rating of 4.86 out of 5 from more than 300 guests on the booking website.

According to Insider, the project began when Jim saw a bunch of train cabooses along the side of the road during a drive out of town. He said he wondered if he could change one of them into a place where people could live or stay. So, he bought the 52,000-pound caboose for $8,000. Getting the caboose to its final home took some creative thinking and some heavy-duty equipment.

Danielle said the work was challenging, especially since she and her dad both have day jobs. But their schedules didn’t stop them from finishing the project. “My dad can do anything he sets his mind to—like, absolutely anything—but my dad is so low maintenance himself,” Danielle told the website. “So when we built this together it was a good combination because he could build whatever and have me pushing him like, ‘Hey, let’s make this as cool as we can.’”

This caboose also has Wi-Fi, air-conditioning, a refrigerator, a shower and more. So, if you’re ever traveling in Iowa and want to experience something special, book a stay at the CR Station Train Caboose!

21. What can we know about the CR Station Train Caboose?

A. It can only be booked online.

B. It has become a local attraction.

C. It offers a new concept in home decoration.

D. It was transported to the town with little effort.

22. The words “low maintenance” in paragraph 4 indicate Jim Dotzenrod is ______.

A. easy and pleasant to deal with                        B. determined to do what he wants

C. excellent at building houses                           D. experienced in project design

23. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?

A. To introduce a lifestyle.                                 B. To share an experience.

C. To show a travel trend.                                 D. To make an advertisement.

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