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全国卷2021届高三下学期4月经典模拟题7(英语 解析版)
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  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小996 K
  • 更新时间2022/6/6 16:55:21
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2021·宁夏银川市·银川一中高三月考)    Many people believe that goldfish have a three-second memory. In fact, goldfish have very good memories for fish. They can be trained to react in many ways to certain colors of light and different kinds of music. Researchers have successfully taught goldfish to play fetch, push levers, and even play football.

Around a certain person the goldfish are very familiar with, they will often be much more active and even sometimes stop considering the person any kind of danger, even if that person sticks their hand in the water and tries to touch them. Around strangers, on the other hand, the goldfish will often hide. Blind goldfish also show this same type of behavior, except they react to the voice of their owner, similarly to how the non-blind goldfish react to the sight of their owner.

In one experiment, researchers even got the goldfish to learn that if they pushed a certain lever at a certain time of day, they would get food. If the lever was pushed any other time of day, nothing would happen. In very short order, these goldfish learned to only push the lever during the time of day it would produce food; the rest of the time, they took no notice of it.

In another experiment, researchers trained young goldfish to connect a certain sound with feeding time. They then released them into the sea. About half a year later, when the fish were fully grown, the researchers played the sound over a loudspeaker and the fish swam from wherever they were in the sea, back to where they were released. This has been suggested as a method to cut down the cost of raising fish. Teach them to come when they are young and then release them into the sea and lakes to grow to adulthood naturally. It' s better for the environment and less cruel to the fish (relatively speaking).

1What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?

ABlind goldfish can easily realize dangers.

BGoldfish are able to recognize their owner.

CGoldfish don’t like to be touched by strangers.

DBlind goldfish have better hearing than non-blind ones.

2What does the first experiment mainly show?

AGoldfish have a good sense of time.  BGoldfish are good at pushing levers.

CGoldfish can play games with people. DGoldfish like to be fed at a certain time.

3What can we learn from the second experiment?

AGoldfish are fully grown within three months.

BGoldfish prefer living in the sea to living in the lake.

CGoldfish react quickly to the sound over loudspeakers.

DGoldfish can remember things they were taught a long time ago.

4In which part of a magazine may the text appear?

AEducation.       BEnvironment.     CSport.           DScience.

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