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(北师大版)2022年高三一轮复习Unit19Language单元主题语篇训练二选修7(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本北师大版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小968 K
  • 更新时间2022/5/20 8:27:45
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Too often we have to say goodbye to our pets, but sometimes our beloved animals have to experience saying goodbye to us.Mollie the dog recently __1__this heartbreaking moment.According to The Dodo, last month, Mollie's __2__ Ryan Jessen, suffered a brain hemorrhage (脑出血)The 33­year­old was brought to the __3__ where doctors realized he could not be __4__.Thankfully, Ryan's family and friends had time to say __5__ but soon they realized someone was __6__.

Ryan's family informed the hospital how __7__ Mollie meant to Ryan and, __8__ how much the dying man meant to his __9__ dog.Not wanting to deny Ryan a final __10__ with his best friend, the hospital agreed to let Mollie come in for a bedside __11__.

Michelle Jessen, Ryan's sister, captured (拍摄) the bittersweet reunion on video and __12__ the story on Facebook.“The hospital did the __13__ thing for us and allowed us to bring my brother's dog in to ‘say goodbye’ so she'd  __14__ why her master never came home.If you knew my brother, he really__15__ his sweet dog” she wrote in the post along with the video.

The video has made some animal lovers online __16__ with over 6 million views since it was posted on Dec.1.While Ryan's life came to an abrupt end, his spirit will __17__ in the adoring dog he put so much love and care into and she __18__ as a comfort to his sad family.“We are sincerely touched and encouraged by others' stories, their sharing in our __19__ and the kindness of so many people” Ryan's sister added in her post.“Don't worry about the dog! We're __20__ her! She's part of the family.”


1A.waited for                   Bwent through

Clooked forward to                     Dcared about

解析:选B 根据上文“...sometimes our beloved animals have to experience saying goodbye to us”可知,有时我们深爱的动物也会经历和我们说再见(的时刻)。再结合下文的叙述可知,名字为Mollie的小狗最近就经历了这样令人心碎的时刻。

2A.owner                               Bteacher

Cneighbor                              Ddoctor

解析:选A 根据第三段中的“why her master never came home”可知,Ryan Jessen是小狗Mollie的主人。

3A.park                                Bgarden

Chospital                              Dfactory

解析:选C 根据上文“Ryan Jessen, suffered a brain hemorrhage.”及下文“where doctors realized...”及第二段中的“Ryan's family informed the hospital...”可知,Ryan Jessen患脑出血。医生意识到……Ryan的家人告诉医院...由此可知,Ryan Jessen被送到了医院。

4A.trusted                             Bchanged

Cforgotten                             Dsaved

解析:选D 根据第二段中的“...the dying man...”及最后一段中的“...Ryan's life came to an abrupt end”可知,Ryan Jessen的生命突然走到了终点。由此可知,医生意识到Ryan Jessen无法得救了。

5A.hi                                  Byes

Cno                                    Dgoodbye

解析:选D 根据第二段中的“...the dying man ...”可知,Ryan Jessen是个将死之人。再根据第一段中的“... say goodbye to ...”及第三段中的“bring my brother's dog in to‘say goodbye’”可知,幸运的是,Ryan的家人和朋友有时间与他道别。

6A.struggling                          Bmissing

Cfollowing                             Dcrying

解析:选B 根据第二段中的“the hospital agreed to let Mollie come in ...”可知,医院允许让Ryan的小狗Mollie前来与他道别。故可知,Ryan的家人和朋友都有时间和他道别,但是他们很快就意识到Ryan的小狗Mollie却不在。

7A.serious                             Bmuch

Cstrange                               Dterrible

解析:选B 小狗MollieRyan来说有多么重要。下文“how much the dying man meant to his ________ dog”也给出了提示。

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