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(北师大版)2022年高三一轮复习Unit15Learning单元主题语篇训练二必修5(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本北师大版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小933 K
  • 更新时间2022/5/20 8:22:42
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Paul was my neighbor and primary school classmate. He would take wonderful panda face cookies to school every year as his birthday __1__. I would always follow him when he shared the cookies with the other classmates, just in case someone had been __2__ and as a result he had a(n) __3__ cookie or two. Somehow, one cookie __4__ long enough for me to show it to my mother. She got the __5__ from Paul's mother and bought the special cookie cutter (切割工具) at Morley Brothers, our local hardware shop.

Over the years, my mother and I would __6__ to make these cookies. After I got married, I bought my own cookie cutter and the cookies remained a __7__ for New Year. Later, my mother gave me her cutter. I __8__ both of the panda face cookie cutters __9__ Morley Brothers had closed and we never saw anything even __10__ these panda faces.

One year, the two cutters were waiting to be handwashed and __11__ for another year, after I made the cookies. Well, my oldest daughter decided to help by __12__ the dishwasher. You guessed it ... __13__ the two treasured plastic cutters, came out totally __14__. I knew that if I could not __15__ them, a long­standing tradition would come to a __16__.

After several telephone enquiries, I learned a woman named Pat Kimbrel had __17__ the hardware business from her grandmother. I was __18__ Immediately, I called and eventually I got four panda face cookie cutters.

Now the family tradition is __19__ in both our and our daughters' houses. So, Pat, thanks to you and your grandmother. You just never know how many lives you affect or for how many years the __20__ will be felt.


1A.benefit                      Bwish

Ctreat                                 Dgame

解析:选C 每年保罗生日的时候他总会带精美的熊猫饼干到学校作为他生日的款待(treat)

2A.curious                             Bfree

Cabsent                                Dcautious

解析:选C 根据语境可知,作者在保罗给其他同学分饼干时总会跟着他,心想着,万一有人没来上学,保罗就会有额外的一两块儿饼干。absent“缺席,不在,符合语境。

3A.delicious                           Bextra

Cinstant                               Dsimilar

解析:选B 参见上题解析。

4A.appeared                            Bexpanded

Csold                                  Dsurvived

解析:选D 根据下文中的“to show it to my mother”可知,有一年,作者总算是把一块儿饼干留下了,并拿给母亲看。survive“幸存,符合语境。

5A.recipe                              Bresponse

Caward                                 Dcomment

解析:选A 根据下文提及的作者的母亲购买饼干模具及制作饼干的内容可知,此处指作者的母亲向保罗的母亲要了饼干的制作方法。recipe“烹饪法,食谱,符合语境。

6A.manage                              Bcontinue

Cexpect                                Dstruggle

解析:选B 根据语境可知,许多年来,作者和母亲继续(continue)做着饼干。

7A.program                             Bchallenge

Cmust                                  Dmemory

解析:选C 根据语境可知,此处指对作者来说,在新年制作熊猫饼干已经成为必做之事。must“必须做(或看、买等)的事

8A.guarded                             Baccepted

Cspared                                Dequipped

解析:选A 根据下文中的“Morley Brothers had closed” “the two treasured plastic cutters”可知,作者对两个熊猫饼干模具爱护有加,因为作者当初购买模具的五金店Morley Brothers已停业了,而作者再也没有见过任何与它们形似的模具。guard“保卫,保护,符合语境。

9A.if                                  Bunless

Cthough                                Dbecause

解析:选D 参见上题解析。

10A.combining                          Bresembling

Crepresenting                          Dsuiting

解析:选B 此处表示作者再也没有见过任何与它们形似的模具。resemble“看起来像,符合语境。

11A.set down                           Bsaved on

Cput away                              Dbrought up

解析:选C 根据下文中的“for another year, after I made the cookies”可知,作者做完饼干后,原打算手洗这些模具,然后把它们收起来以便来年再用。put away“……收起,把……放回原处,符合语境。set down“记下,登记save on“节省,节约bring up“提出

12A.loading                            Bhandling

Ccovering                              Dfixing

解析:选A 作者的大女儿决定帮忙,把模具放进了洗碗机里。load the dishwasher是固定搭配,意为把碗碟放进洗碗机

13A.Obviously                          BSurprisingly

CHopefully                             DUnfortunately

解析:选D 根据语境可知,不幸的是,这两个珍贵的塑料模具取出后根本没法儿用了。

14A.invalid                            Bunusable

Cinvaluable                            Dunavailable

解析:选B 参见上题解析。unusable“不能使用的;符合语境。invalid“无效的invaluable“极宝贵的unavailable“难以获得的

15A.copy                               Bidentify

Creplace                               Dshare

解析:选C 作者知道如果她不更换它们的话,长久以来的传统就会中断。replace“更换,符合语境。

16A.fall                               Bhead

Cdeal                                  Dstop

解析:选D 参见上题解析。come to a stop“停止,暂停,符合语境。come to a head“(使)事情达到紧要关头,需要当机立断come to a deal“达成协议

17A.taken over                         Btaken up

Ctaken down                            Dtaken to

解析:选A 作者通过多次打电话询问得知,一个叫Pat Kimbrel的女士接管了那家五金店的五金制品生意。take over“接管,接任,符合语境。

18A.shocked                            Btouched

Cconcerned                             Dexcited

解析:选D 作者想要更换自己家不能用的饼干模具,既然经过多方打听发现能找到卖家,当然会很激动、很兴奋。excited“激动的,兴奋的,符合语境。

19A.observed                           Binspired

Clearnt                                Dtaught

解析:选A 此处指现在,这一家庭传统在作者家与作者女儿们家传承。observe“遵守,奉行,符合语境。

20A.pleasure                           Binfluence

Cappreciation                          Dmotivation

解析:选B 根据上文中的“how many lives you affect”可知,此处与affect相呼应,表示影响会持续许多年。influence“影响,符合语境。pleasure“快乐appreciation“感激motivation“动机

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