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新疆霍城县第二中学2020-201学年高二下学期第三次月考英语试卷(英语 解析版)
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  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小1046 K
  • 更新时间2022/4/12 10:29:30
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Bilibili is widely seen as a place for young people, as most uploaders (上传者) and audiences (观众) are very young. However, Jiang Minci, 89, has quickly become very famous in this young and fashionable place. She is older than any other uploader on Bilibili and has over 300,000 followers. She wins greetings and respect from users of her grandson’s age.

“Young people are spending their time on Bilibili and I want to be an uploader, too.” said Jiang, who called herself Minci Bu Lao on Bilibili.

To finish her autobiography (自传) through videos, the grandma became an uploader with the help of her grandson in April, 2020. Jiang tells stories of her marriage, family and wartime history before 1949. Her voice shakes because of her age, but people greet the grandma with warm words and patience.

In one of her popular videos, Jiang talks about her special experience: She got away from  an awful marriage at an early age and then left home to continue her studies. Jiang once said, “Whether they are married or not, women shouldn’t depend on others and they should have their own jobs and lives.”

Before making a video, Jiang will spend time preparing notes and discussing many little things with her family. She still depends on her grandson to do a lot of things, but she said, “I hope one day I can do it all by myself just like the young.”

1. Why is Jiang very famous on Bilibili?

A. Because she called herself Minci Bu Lao.

B. Because Bilibili is seen as a place for old people.

C. Because she is older than any other uploader on Bilibili.

D. Because she wanted to finish her autobiography through videos.

2. Jiang has been an uploader ________.

A. since 1949                                                              B. for only one day

C. since her early age                                                   D. for less than one year

3. What does Jiang want to do in the future?

A. She wants to teach her grandson.

B. She wants to have more followers.

C. She wants to make and upload videos by herself.

D. She wants to help other people to make and upload videos.

4. Which is true about Jiang’s life when she was young?

A. She had a good job.

B. She had a perfect marriage.

C. She ran away from her school.

D. She was independent and loved to study.

5. What can we know about Jiang from this passage?

A. She likes to tell stories of her present life.

B. She is popular for her unusual life experience and age.

C. She only wins greetings and respect from users of her age.

D She makes her videos without any preparation or discussion.

【答案】1. C    2. D    3. C    4. D    5. B




细节理解题。由第一段She is older than any other uploader on Bilibili and has over 300,000 followers.(她比Bilibili上的任何上传者都要年长,有超过30万的粉丝。)可知,姜女士在Bilibili上很出名是因为她比Bilibili上的任何其他上传者都年长。故选C


推理判断题。由第三段To finish her autobiography (自传) through videos, the grandma became an uploader with the help of her grandson in April, 2020.(为了通过视频完成自传,她于20204月在孙子的帮助下成为了上传者。)可推断,姜女士做上传者还不到一年。故选D


细节理解题。根据最后一段She still depends on her grandson to do a lot of things, but she said, “I hope one day I can do it all by myself just like the young.”(她仍然依靠她的孙子做很多事情,但她说,我希望有一天我可以像年轻人一样自己做所有的事情。)可知,姜女士将来想自己制作和上传视频。故选C


细节理解题。根据倒数第二段In one of her popular videos, Jiang talks about her special experience: She got away from  an awful marriage at an early age and then left home to continue her studies. Jiang once said, “Whether they are married or not, women shouldn’t depend on others and they should have their own jobs and lives.”(在她的一个热门视频中,姜女士讲述了她的特殊经历:她很早就逃离了一段糟糕的婚姻,然后离开家继续学业。姜女士曾说:无论结婚与否,女性都不应该依赖别人,应该有自己的工作和生活。)可知,姜年轻时很独立,喜欢学习。故选D


推理判断题。根据第三段Jiang tells stories of her marriage, family and wartime history before 1949. Her voice shakes because of her age, but people greet the grandma with warm words and patience.(姜女士讲述了她的婚姻、家庭和1949年前的战争历史。她的声音因为年龄而颤抖,但人们用温暖的话语和耐心迎接她。)可推断,姜女士因为不寻常的生活经历和年龄而受欢迎。故选B

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