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(北师大版)2022高三一轮复习课时作业:必修4 Unit 11 The Media单元主题语篇训练 (二) Word版(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本北师大版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小939 K
  • 更新时间2022/1/3 13:49:49
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Late one recent night, Carol Spale picked up the phone and heard quiet sobbing on the line. It was her __1__ an old lady who had lived on her own across the street for many years.

Spale runs the local “Neighborhood Services” committee, so she's __2__ to receiving calls like this. The committee is __3__ to those living in North Riverside, Illinois, where being good to neighbors is taken __4__ by everyone in the small village. The committee is the __5__ of Mayor Richard N. Scheck's 1992 call for community­building ideas. The committee manages 90 “block captains” each of whom __6__ a street in North Riverside.

For people nearby, Spale is the __7__. But why was the old lady crying? As the story goes, Spale called up the lady after __8__ her garage was open later than usual. Spale became nervous when the lady called back in __9__. Spale's first __10__ was that she was in trouble, but it turned out to be a lot __11__ than that. She was crying because my call let her know someone is __12__ her. It made her feel good now that she's __13__ Spale said.

Three times a year, the committee has __14__ where the locals come together to talk about the good­neighbor things they've __15__. The speakers are often children, __16__ by their parents to do good. At a recent gathering, one little girl, __17__ how she made a card for a neighboring old gentleman she __18__ who had had a heart operation. It seems there's no age difference between them Spale said.

These __19__ are memorialized in a book sold on Amazon called We Can Build Community with the money __20__ the locals in need.


1A.neighbor                             Bcolleague

Ccaptain                                                     Dmother

解析:A 根据下文中的across the street Spale runs the local Neighborhood Services committee等信息可知,Carol Spale在很晚的时候接到她的一个邻居(neighbor)打来的电话。

2A.reduced                                                 Bused

Cdevoted                                                    Dlimited

解析:B 因为Carol Spale在管理这个委员会,因此她习惯接到这样的电话。be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事,符合语境。be reduced to doing sth.沦落到做某事be devoted to doing sth.热衷于做某事

3A.equal                                                     Bsimple

Csimilar                                                      Dfamiliar

解析:D 根据下文谈到的这个委员会有90个街区队长,每人专门管理一个街区,人们每年聚会3次交流做好事的经历等信息可知,这里的人很熟悉(familiar)这个委员会。

4A.recently                                                 Bobviously

Cseriously                                                   Dsecretly

解析:C 根据下文中的Mayor Richard N. Scheck's 1992 call for community­building ideas where the locals come together to talk about the good­neighbor things可知,这里的人们对帮助邻居非常看重。take ... seriously认真对待……”,符合语境。

5A.suggestion                                              Bchoice

Cproduct                                                    Ddiscovery

解析:C 根据语境可知,该委员会是1992年市长Richard N. Scheck的社区建设构思的号召的产物(product)

6A.looks over                                              Bcleans up

Ctakes up                                                   Dkeeps off

解析:A 街区队长是为邻里服务的,根据下文Spale发现邻居的车库比平时打开得晚这个信息也可知道街区队长的工作,所以这里应填look over检查,查看take up占用(时间),占据(空间)keep off使避开

7A.assistant                                                 Bguardian

Ccaller                                                        Dinstructor

解析:B 根据上文中Spale管理该委员会、街区队长的工作以及下文中她关心邻居等信息可推知,Spale对于邻里来说就是这里的保卫者(guardian)

8A.mentioning                                            Badmitting

Cpredicting                                                 Dnoticing

解析:D 这里的内容要与第一段的信息结合起来考虑,Spale先给邻居打电话(问是否有什么事情),因为她注意到(noticing)邻居的车库比平时打开得晚。

9A.delight                                                   Brags

Csurprise                                                    Dtears

解析:D 根据第一段中的heard quiet sobbing on the line和下文中的She was crying可知,邻居后来回电话时在哭泣(tears)

10A.recognition                                           Bthought

Cimpression                                                Dmemory

解析:B 当Spale听到邻居在电话中哭泣时,她不安起来。她的第一个想法(thought)就是邻居有困难了。

11A.safer                                                     Bbetter

Cluckier                                                      Dstronger

解析:B 但事情的发展并不是Spale起初想的那样,而是比她想的要好得多。邻居打电话时哭泣是因为她觉得有人(Spale)在关心(minding)她,她很高兴。

12A.changing                                              Bseeking

Cminding                                                    Dhonoring

解析:C 参见上题解析。

13A.alone                                                    Bhealthy

Cenergetic                                                   Dstressed

解析:A 根据第一段中的an old lady who had lived on her own可知,她独自居住。

14A.competitions                                         Bcelebrations

Cceremonies                                                Dmeetings

解析:D 根据空后的where the locals come together ... things 可知,这个委员会每年举办3次分享大会(meetings)

15A.performed                                            Bwitnessed

Cremembered                                              Dexpected

解析:A 根据下文谈到的一个小女孩在大会上分享自己的故事可知,当地的人们聚集在一起谈论自己做(performed)的符合好邻居的事。

16A.encouraged                                          Bpersuaded

Crequired                                                   Dreminded

解析:A 在这个分享大会上,发言者经常是一些被父母鼓励(encouraged)做好事的孩子。

17A.explained                                             Bshared

Cshowed                                                     Dconfirmed

解析:B 根据上文中的the locals come together to talk about the good­neighbor things可知,在这个大会上,人们分享(shared)做好事的经历。

18A.found                                                   Bnursed

Cbefriended                                                Dsaved

解析:C 小女孩谈到了自己与做了心脏手术的邻居老爷爷成了朋友。动词befriend表示以朋友态度对待,和……交朋友,空后的It seems there's no age difference between them是对该空的暗示。

19A.creations                                              Bsuccesses

Cprocesses                                                   Dkindnesses

解析:D 上文谈到了这个委员会每年有3次分享大会,主题就是分享做好事(kindnesses)的经历。

20A.turning to                                            Blooking to

Cgoing to                                                    Dpassing to

解析:C 这些善行被写进了书里,这本书在亚马逊出售,所得款项用于帮助那些需要帮助的当地人。go to……得到,被给予,符合语境。

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