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(北师大版)2022高三一轮复习课时作业:必修1 Unit 3 Celebration 单元主题语篇训练 (二) Word版(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本北师大版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小936 K
  • 更新时间2022/1/3 13:41:37
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Geraniums (天竺葵) of Love

As the fifth of seven children, I went to the same public school as my three elder sisters and brother.Every year, my mother went to the same ceremony and had parent­child interviews (亲子交流会) with the same teachers.The only thing different was the child.And every child __1__ an old Geraniums school tradition — the annual plant sale (拍卖会) held in early May, just in time for __2__ Day.

Third grade was the first time that I was allowed to take part in the plant sale.I wanted to surprise my mother.__3__ I didn't have any money.I went to my eldest sister and __4__ the secret, and she gave me some money.When I arrived at the plant sale, I carefully made my __5__.I agonized (苦苦思索) over that decision, __6__ each plant to ensure that I had indeed found the best geranium.The moment I had smuggled it home, with the help of my sister, I __7__ it on the upstairs neighbor's porch.I was very afraid my mother would find it before Mother's Day, but my sister assured me that she wouldn't, and __8__ she did not.

When Mother's Day arrived, I was bursting with pride when I gave her that geranium.I remember how bright her eyes were, and how delighted she was with my __9__.

The year I was fifteen, my younger sister reached third grade.In early May, she came to me full of wonder and secrecy and told me that there was going to be a plant sale at school and she wanted to __10__ our mother.Like my __11__ sister did for me, I gave her some money and off she went.She arrived at home full of __12__ excitement, the geranium hidden in a paper bag __13__ her sweater.I looked at every plant she explained, and I know I got the __14__ one

I helped my little __15__ hide that geranium on the upstairs neighbor's porch, assuring that our mother wouldn't find it before Mother's Day.I was there when she gave my mother the geranium, and I watched them both bursting with pride and __16__.It was like being in a dream I had already dreamed.My mother noticed me __17__ and she gave me a soft secret smile.Shocked and puzzled, I __18__ back.I had been wondering how my mother could __19__ to be surprised at this gift from her sixth child.But as I watched her eyes light up with delight as she was __20__ with that most precious gift, I knew she was not pretending.


1A.passed down                           Bparticipated in

Cbroke with                                                Dcarried on

解析:B 学校每年举行一次植物拍卖会,学校的每个孩子都要参加(participated in)。下文中的I was allowed to take part in the plant sale亦是呼应。故选B

2A.Women's                                                BFather's

CChildren's                                                DMother's

解析:D 根据下文中的before Mother's Day以及常识可知,母亲节在五月,故选D

3A.Besides                                                   BMoreover

CHowever                                                   DTherefore

解析:C 作者想给母亲一个惊喜,但她没有钱,因此上下文之间是转折关系,故选C

4A.shared                                                   Bdiscovered

Cguarded                                                    Dunlocked

解析:A 根据下文she gave me some money可知,姐姐给了作者钱。由此可知,作者应该是和姐姐分享了(share)自己要给母亲惊喜的秘密。故选A

5A.plan                                                       Bpreparation

Cpresent                                                     Dselection

解析:D 根据下文中的agonized (苦苦思索) over that decision可知,作者要决定给母亲买什么,即进行挑选(selection)。故选D

6A.watering                                                Bgrowing

Cinspecting                                                 Dprotecting

解析:C 作者为了确保找到最好的天竺葵,仔细查看(inspect)每一株植物。故选C

7A.showed                                                  Bpotted

Cpackaged                                                  Dhid

解析:D 上文提到作者想要给母亲惊喜,所以她要把天竺葵藏(hide)起来。故选D

8A.indeed                                                   Binstead

Cproperly                                                   Danyhow

解析:A 作者的姐姐向她保证母亲不会发现这株天竺葵,的确(indeed),母亲没有发现。故选A

9A.performance                                          Bgrades

Cgift                                                           Dpresence

解析:C 母亲节那天,作者将天竺葵送给母亲,母亲对于孩子送的礼物(gift)很开心。故选C

10A.inspire                                                 Bsurprise

Csatisfy                                                       Drelax

解析:B 根据下文的be surprised at this gift可知,作者的妹妹向作者借钱,也想要给母亲一个惊喜(surprise)。故选B

11A.youngest                                               Beldest

Ccleverest                                                   Dbravest

解析:B 根据上文中的I went to my eldest sister可知,作者原来是向自己的大姐借的钱。故选B

12A.nervous                                                Byouthful

Cincreasing                                                 Dfalse

解析:A 根据下文中的the geranium hidden in a paper bag可知,作者的妹妹既为买了礼物高兴,又担心被母亲发现,所以她有点紧张(nervous),故选A

13A.on                                                        Bbeside

Cbehind                                                      Dunder

解析:D 根据上文中的hidden可知,妹妹应该是把袋子藏在毛衣的下面(under),以防被发现。故选D

14A.shortest                                                Brarest

Cbest                                                          Dstrongest

解析:C 妹妹看了每一株植物,她认为自己找到了最好的(best)。故选C

15A.sister                                                    Bbrother

Ccousin                                                       Dfriend

解析:A 根据my younger sister可知,作者帮助自己的妹妹把花藏了起来。故选A

16A.confusion                                             Banxiety

Cdelight                                                      Dastonishment

解析:C 收到女儿送的礼物,母亲当然高兴(delight),女儿为自己的行为感到骄傲自豪。下文中的as I watched her eyes light up with delight亦是提示。故选C

17A.listening                                               Bwatching

Csmelling                                                    Dtasting

解析:B 根据上文的I watched them可知,作者看着(watch)发生的一切。故选B

18A.waved                                                  Bsmiled

Csigned                                                       Dcalled

解析:B 根据上文she gave me a soft secret smile可知,作者也回以母亲微笑(smile)。故选B

19A.pretend                                                Bcontinue

Cappear                                                      Dtry

解析:A 根据下文I knew she was not pretending可知,作者怀疑母亲在假装(pretend)惊讶。故选A

20A.impressed                                             Bsatisfied

Cassociated                                                 Dpresented

解析:D 根据上文中的when she gave my mother the geranium可知,作者的妹妹送给母亲礼物,即母亲被赠送(present)礼物。故选D

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