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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小1028 K
  • 更新时间2021/12/6 11:01:35
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Field Trips and School Tours

At Smithsonian American Art Museum, we involve students in the experience of viewing art and enable them to make meaningful connections to their curriculum (课程)and themselves. Students of all settings and ages are welcomed, from kindergarten to college.

Guided tours

Guided school tours require reservations. Please book at least one month in advance. One week before your visit, your guide will contact you to discuss your content and curriculum connections. To make a reservation, complete and submit(提交) the School Group Request Form.

Self-guided tours

With a self-guided visit, you are free to explore the collection in a way that best suits your class. For students in kindergarten through second grade, we suggest that you concentrate on a few objects. For older students, we recommend one hour of focused looking and thirty minutes of discussion about the artworks. Teachers are invited to consult(咨询) with the museum staff (工作人员)regarding the content.

Guidelines for museum behavior

Review the guidelines before the visit. Inappropriate behavior may result in a shortened tour.

·Make no noise.

·Be considerate of other visitors and guides.

·Keep at least an arm’s length from artwork.

·Walk — don’t run — in the halls and stairways.

·Photography with flash is not permitted.

Security(安全) policies

Security check is required for all visitors. We recommend that groups leave bags on the bus or at school. Pocketknives, scissors, and other sharp tools are not permitted. To speed entry into the museum, carry as little as possible.

21. Which of the following is suitable for the trip?

A. A pupil.          B. A graduate.         C. An artist.      D. An engineer.

22. What are older students advised to do?

A. Make a reservation.

B. Focus on various objects.

C. Combine viewing with discussion.

D. Discuss the artworks with the staff.

23. What are visitors recommended to do?

A. Take no photographs.

B. Speed into the museum.

C. Appreciate the works quietly.

D. Touch the artworks carefully.

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