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Thailand is a country with a long and rich history. It is also one of those countries which have many traditions which modern times fortunately have not affected. Thailand is famous for its unique culture. It is well worth noting that Thai culture has been handed down from one generation to the next.

Thai Classical Dance

The inspiring culture includes local music and wonderful Thai dances. The dances of course have something to do with its deep-rooted Buddhist religion, fighting arts and beautiful clothing. Thai classical dance performances are generally performed by gracious(高雅的) Thai ladies wearing beautiful Thai local costumes. Most resort(旅游胜地) areas and many hotels frequently offer these Thai culture dance shows for foreign visitors.

Thai Greeting

The unique Thai gesture of greeting another person, the wai, is especially one of the great aspects of Thai culture. The wai is when a person joins both hands to either head or chest level while bending their head slightly towards his hands. This way of greeting is especially done when a younger person greets an older person and it indicates a sign of respect to their elders. Employees would also wai their managers even if the manager would be younger than themselves.


Bangkok is the culture center of Thailand and has been the Thai capital since the end of the eighteenth century. Observing Thai culture in Bangkok can be great experience as the combination of modern times and traditions have created a kind of unique atmosphere. Bangkok offers a package of Thai culture which is shown by numerous beautiful Buddhist temples and many examples of modern Thai architecture.

Bangkok National Museum

Another location in Bangkok where one can enjoy and see Thai culture is at the famed Bangkok national museum, which offers tourists an opportunity to view national treasures and unique Thai art pieces with its culture feature dating back as early as the late sixteenth century.

21.Thai classical dance is related to __________.

Alts living level and education            Blts history and architectural style

Clts customs                               Dlts religious belief

22In Thailand a wolker uses the gesture, the wai , to greet_______.

Ahis close friend.                      Ba young stranger.

Chis younger colleagues    .             Dhis young boss.

23What make Thai culture in Bangkok so unique?

A. The long history and fine weather of Bangkok.

B. The mixture of the modern culture and traditions.

C. A number of beautiful Thai Buddhist temples

D. Many examples of modern Thai architecture.

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