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  • 文件大小967 K
  • 更新时间2021/12/4 9:18:24
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After stepping out of the international plane, I realized my 10-hour sleepy voyage finally came to an end. Sitting on the bus, I was waiting anxiously for it to start. A woman, sitting next to me, and her daughter both seemed    1   . She told me that her daughter had an upset stomach and would throw up(呕吐)continuously    2    the mother had lost her    3    . Apart from a significant amount of money ,the purse also had her cellphone and a phone number of an important    4    , a person she was traveling 90 kilometers to meet for discussing an urgent matter which had to be    5    by the next morning.

I handed her my cellphone    6    and told her that she could make any call she wanted. I also    7    a bottle of water I had in my bag to relieve her daughter of her    8   

       After making several calls, they finally    9    to the official . They turned to look at me    10    and thanked me many times. The woman tried to pay for my    11    , but I jumped to do it before her    12    I knew she had lost her money.

The next morning, I received a    13    from the mother, saying that they couldn’t tell how my     14     act touched them. They were so considerate that they had taken down my number to thank me. I was     15     to be thanked in this way. I never thought my simple offer     16    so much in her heart. And I thought of how many opportunities for   17   we had lost by focusing on cellphones and being    18    from the reality around us -    19    with easy access may make a big    20    to others.

1  Aexcited                Brelaxed            Cunconscious         Duncomfortable

2  Abesides                Bhowever          Ctherefore             Dotherwise

3  Acellphone            Baddress            Cpurse                  Dluggage

4  Aaccountant           Bdoctor             Clawyer                Dofficial

5  Asettled                 Bjudged             Craised                  Ddiscussed

6  Acarefully             Bsecretly            Cunwillingly          Dimmediately

7  Aprovided             Bordered            Cbought                Dserved

8  Afever                  Bstress               Csickness               Danxiety

9  Acame over           Bgot through      Clooked up            Dturned around

10Adoubtfully           Bclosely             Canxiously            Dgratefully

11Awater                  Boffer               Cticket                  Dassistance

12Asince                   Bif                    Cwhile                  Dalthough

13Aletter                  Bnote                Ccall                     Dvisit

14Aselfish                 Bgenerous          Ccautious              Dhonest

15Aashamed              Bastonished        Cdisappointed        Damused

16Aweighed              Bbalanced          Cinfluenced           Dranked

17Acourage               Bsuccess            Ckindness              Djustice

18Adifferent             Bsafe                 Cfree                    Ddisconnected

19Asomething           Banything          Ceverything           Dnothing

20Apromise              Bwish                Cdifference            Dgesture

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