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浙江省2021届高考英语模拟试题一(英语 解析版)
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  • 更新时间2021/10/11 16:21:38
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After a lifetime working behind the scene, celebrity photographer David Steen decided to turn the spotlight on himself. He wanted to create a record of his life and so he called upon the services of auto-biography company, LifeBook. Working closely with them, he was able to bring together a wonderful collection of stories. The result was Lucky Boy, an interesting written portrait that he could share with his children and grandchildren.

Steen’s career began when he started working as an office boy for the magazine Picture Post in 1951. To a boy brought up in a crowded flat, he had entered a world that seemed impossibly fruitful. The 15-year-old David was taken under the wing of the renowned Bert Hardy, the magazine’s chief photographer. Steen recalls in his autobiography, “I would go on lots of jobs with him as his assistant. I cleaned his cameras and I drove him everywhere.” Eventually, his effort paid off. The magazine sent him on his first foreign director in Paris.

His professional career enriched his Lifebook. “I remember photographing a little boy in a slum”, Steen wrote. However, some days would be spent in the splendid world of the famous. Undoubtedly, he naturally had an eye for a good picture and was never one to miss an opportunity. On one occasion, Steen was on an assignment in Rio. When at the hotel bar, he found himself standing next to Great Train Robber Ronnie Biggs. “We started chatting. By the end of the evening, I had persuaded him to let me photograph him on a railway line.”

After seeing a friend’s LifeBook Steen made the decision to follow suit. He didn’t say a word to his family because he wanted the book to be a surprise for them, so much so that when he presented the books to his family on Christmas Day, everyone was amazed and delighted.

1. According to paragraph l, we can learn that David Steen _______________.

A. created his LifeBook on his own.

B. wrote his autobiography in an attractive way.

C. devoted his lifetime to photographing natural scenery.

D. told a lot of famous people’s life stories in Lucky Boy.

2. Which of the following word can be used to describe his early career?

A. Promising           B. Successful          C. Competitive         D. Hopeless

3. Why are the boy in a slum and the robber Ronnie Biggs mentioned in Para. 3?

A. They reflect David had a great professional sense.

B. They prove poverty and robbery go hand in hand.

C. They conclude how David’s career began to take off.

D. They show that David had sympathy for poor children and hated Robbers

【答案】1. B    2. D    3. A


这是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了著名摄影师David Steen的个人经历,以及他的自传《幸运男孩》。


推理判断题。根据第一段中He wanted to create a record of his life and so he called upon the services of auto-biography company, LifeBook. Working closely with them, he was able to bring together a wonderful collection of stories. The result was Lucky Boy, an interesting written portrait that he could share with his children and grandchildren.(他想记录自己的生活,于是他求助于自传公司LifeBook。他与他们密切合作,结集出了一本精彩的故事集。结果就诞生了《幸运男孩》,这是一本他可以和他的子孙们分享的有趣的书面肖像)可知,David Steen写自传的方式很吸引人。故选B


推理判断题。根据第二段中Steen’s career began when he started working as an office boy for the magazine Picture Post in 1951. To a boy brought up in a crowded flat, he had entered a world that seemed impossibly fruitful.(1951年,当Steen开始为《图片邮报》杂志当办公室勤杂员时,他的职业生涯开始了。对于一个在拥挤的公寓里长大的男孩来说,他进入了一个似乎不太可能有所成果的世界)可推知,他早期的职业生涯是没有希望的。故选D


推理判断题。根据第三段His professional career enriched his Lifebook. “I remember photographing a little boy in a slum”, Steen wrote. However, some days would be spent in the splendid world of the famous. Undoubtedly, he naturally had an eye for a good picture and was never one to miss an opportunity. On one occasion, Steen was on an assignment in Rio. When at the hotel bar, he found himself standing next to Great Train Robber Ronnie Biggs. “We started chatting. By the end of the evening, I had persuaded him to let me photograph him on a railway line.”(他的职业生涯丰富了他的人生阅历。我记得我拍了一个贫民窟里的小男孩,Steen写道。然而,有些日子还是要在名人的辉煌世界里度过的。毫无疑问,他天生就有捕捉到好照片的眼光,而且从不放过任何机会。有一次,Steen在里约热内卢出差。到了旅馆的酒吧,他发现自己站在火车大盗Ronnie Biggs旁边。我们开始聊天。到那天晚上结束时,我已经说服他让我给他在铁路线上拍了张照片。)可知,第三段提到贫民窟里的男孩和强盗Ronnie Biggs,是因为他们反映出David有很强的职业意识。故选A

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