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贵州虱里市第一中学2019-2020学年高二下学期开学考试试题(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小1005 K
  • 更新时间2021/9/13 17:29:25
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Welcome to our website. Here are some magazines to recommend this week.

Cover: $56.00

Sale Price:$25.00

Alarm celebrates independent thinking in music, art, film and fashion through in-depth writings. Each issue of Alarm features interviews, reviews and life stories of famous people in the artistic world. It also provides the  latest news on famous bands, artists, film makers and fashion trends.

Cover Price: $47.40

Sale Price: $12.00

Alternative Press celebrates music and youth culture. It features the latest music news and releases, and includes interviews with new bands as well as famous bands. The magazine is written for fans of electronic, industrial, punk, underground, rock, experimental and other musical types. It also offers columns about new technology, book reviews and film reviews.

Cover Price: $39.92

Sale Price: $12,00

Sound & Vision is for people with a great interest in music and video. It is also for people who want to know how to reproduce video. The magazine tests new technology and explains how to uy and use music equipment.

Cover Price: $23.70

Sale Price: $12.00

Plex is a lifestyle magazine. It covers everything with hip-hop culture. Articles cover music, fashion, film and sports. It also has a buyer's guide to the hottest gear, clothes and gadgets. Plex combines two magazines into one. It is not only a lifestyle magazine but also a product guide.

1. Alarm would most probably attract people who love reading      .

A. serious writings on music                  B. simple humorous stories

C. reviews of novels                          D. stories written by famous artists

2. What discount can you get if you buy Alternative Press on the website?

A. about 38%.                                 B. about 55%.

C. about 75%.                                 D. about 70%.

3. Which magazine will suit a hip-hop fan?

A. Sound & Vision.                            B. Alarm.

C. Alternative Press.                         D. Plex.

【答案】1. A    2. C    3. D




推理判断题。根据第二段中Alarm celebrates independent thinking in music, art, film and fashion through in-depth writings.可知Alarm通过深入的写作来庆祝音乐、艺术、电影和时尚领域的独立思考。由此可推知,Alarm最有可能吸引那些喜欢阅读严肃音乐作品的人。故选A。


细节理解题。根据Alternative Press部分中Cover Price: $47.40; Sale Price: $12.00可知封面价格是47.4美元,网站上购买价格为12美元,由此可知,如果你在网站上购买Alternative Press,你能得到(47.4-12)/47.4≈75%的折扣。故选C。


细节理解题。根据最后一段中It covers everything with hip-hop culture.可知它涵盖了嘻哈文化的一切。由此可知,Plex杂志适合嘻哈爱好者。故选D。

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