We face many difficulties day to day and when we get caught up in the storm of our emotions,we end up saying or doing things 1 we regret later.Neither at school 2 at home have we been taught how to handle anger,sorrow or any other negative emotion.
This is where the knowledge of the breath 3 (teach) in the Art of Living course plays 4 vital role.For every rhythm in the mind,there is a corresponding rhythm in the breath.So,when you cannot handle your mind 5 (direct),through the breath you can handle the mind.When we understand the power of the breath,we can have a say over our thoughts and our 6 (feel).We can let go of anger and negative moods whenever we want to.
Practicing the powerful breathing techniques 7 (help) you let go of negative emotions naturally.In fact,the frequency of anger and stress reduces hugely.Your ability 8 (accept) situations increases.Instead of 9 (react) impulsively,you get the ability to respond to situations and take 10 (reason) action.
For love to stay fresh throughout our lives,we need to go beyond initial attraction and ever-changing emotions.No matter what emotions come and go,learn to enjoy your life with your loved ones.