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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小973 K
  • 更新时间2021/2/5 10:50:44
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The STAR Eco Station is an environmental science museum, a wildlife rescue center, and a shelter for endangered animals. It carries out the mission “Preservation through Education” by educating visitors about the preservation of the environment and the inter-dependence of all living things.

Field trips

STAR Eco Station hosts field trips for schools and camps throughout Southern California. Each field trip lasts two hours, consisting of a one-hour gathering and a one-hour tour of the facility, with lessons associated with California State Science Standards.

Throughout the field trip, students learn about the latest developments in environmental protection and the ways in which wildlife interacts with various ecosystems. The students also receive an up-close and hands-on experience with our rescued foreign wildlife. The tour includes different environmental exhibits that showcase the ways students can help protect animals in the wild.

Public tours

Guided tours of the STAR Eco Station introduce visitors to over two hundred rescued foreign wildlife. The guided tour lasts approximately 45-60 minutes. Visitors are served on a first-come, first-served basis. No reservations are required. However, tours may sell out. We suggest larger groups schedule a private tour.


Our regular public tours times are subject to change without notice. Please call in advance for the most up-to-date information.


Saturday and Sunday: 10a.m. – 4p.m. (last tour begins at 3p.m.)

Our guided public tours start every hour on the hour.

Eco Station is not open to the public on weekdays. You can book a private tour or field trip by calling (310) 842 8066.




1. What is the STAR Eco Station aimed at?

A. Helping research wildlife abroad.        B. Collecting money for animal shelters.

C. Raising awareness of wildlife protection.    D. Providing a knowledge of unusual animals.

2. What can students do during a field trip?

A. Make a speech on the environment.        B. Take part in foreign wildlife rescue.

C. Get to know why species get endangered.  D. Learn how living things affect each other.

3. For a guided tour, what should visitors know?

A. Large groups are served first.           B. It is available on weekdays.

C. Its time can change.                 D. Booking is needed.

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