01.How I longed to play in the meadow or stand dozing[d??z] in the shade of the trees.我多么渴望在草地上玩耍,或者站在树荫下打盹。
02. We had great fun rolling, galloping or standing together under the apple trees.我们在苹果树下打滚、奔跑或站在一起,玩得很开心。
03. Suddenly there was a terrible cracking noise. Overhead an oak tree groaned, then crashed to the ground.突然传来了断裂声,头上的橡树发出嘎吱一声,然后哗啦一声倒在地上。
04. I stayed where I was, wishing I could tell John how I felt.我呆在原地,希望能告诉约翰我的感受。
05. Suddenly the door crashed open and a man ran out.突然门猛地开了,一个人跑了出来。
06. Suddenly the door burst open and a man came in carrying a lantern.突然门开了,一个人提着灯笼进来了。