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(外研版)2019年高中Module4MusicBorninAmericaSectionⅣOtherPartsoftheModule教案选修7(英语 解析版)
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  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小1241 K
  • 更新时间2019/10/8 11:08:58
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Music Born in Hong Kong
From a region of seven million people has arisen some of the greatest pop music in the world. As well as attracting huge audiences in its Hong Kong home, Cantopop has spread offshore, and its stars are known in Beijing, London and New York. Music born in Hong Kong is booming .
In most of the world, pop music is a sign of friction between generations. But Cantopop expresses only harmony and virtue, and Hong Kong is blessed with the most conventional? music scene? in the world. The stars don't wear fancy? clothes. The women wear clean blouses? and the men wear pressed? slacks?. They're so neat? and well­behaved? that any mom? would want their kids to watch them?. And the consensus of most people is that the music is very good. But it is ...well, different from anywhere else.
arise /?'raIz/ v(arose, arisen)(由……)引起(产生)
as well as也,还 offshore /??f'???/ adv.向海,离岸
boom /bu?m/ v繁荣;兴起;迅速发展
friction /'frIk?n/ n不合,抵触;摩擦
harmony /'hɑ?m?ni/ n融洽,一致
virtue /'v??t?u?/ n美德 be blessed with有幸
?conventional /k?n'ven?nl/ adj.按惯例的;因袭的;传统的
?scene n场所,场地 ?fancy /'fænsi/ adj.新潮的
?blouse /bla?z/ n女士宽松短衫,女衬衫
?pressed adj.平整的 ?slacks /slæks/ n宽松长裤,便裤
?neat /ni?t/ adj.整齐的,整洁的
?well­behaved adj.举止好的 ?mom /m?m/ n妈妈
?so neat and well­behaved ...含有so ...that ...句式,意为“如此……以至于……”。
consensus /k?n'sens?s/ n共同意见,一致看法,共识
that the music ...是that引导的表语从句。
Their fans expect regular makeovers. You can't budget for looking good, you just need a blank cheque and a fashion consultant. Singer Kelly Chen changes her image once every three months. But she claims she isn't vain.
As a bonus for their fans, nearly every Cantopop singer also acts in the movies, from Jackie Cheung to Faye Wong. Andy Lau regularly stars in tough guy roles and romantic comedies, and their movie DVDs and VCDs sell worldwide.
Hong Kong stars work hard, and the pace is hot. Some make ten movies a year, others record four CDs as well as keeping to a tight schedule of concerts and TV shows. Last year 20­year­old Nicholas Tse released five albums, and his spokeswoman says that he just has to meet the deadline. Otherwise, he will soon be abandoned by his company and his fans. When new albums come out, the stars are marketed like consumer products, as teenagers spend their allowance on the latest songs. It's far from being a part­time job.
makeover /'meIk???v?/ n改头换面
budget /'b?d?It/ v制定预算,按预算来安排开支
cheque /t?ek/ n支票
consultant /k?n's?lt?nt/ n顾问
image n形象 claim v声明,声称
vain /veIn/ adj.自负的;自视过高的
in vain徒劳,无结果,白白地
bonus /'b??n?s/ n没有预料到的好事
tough guy 坏小子
VCD 影音光碟
pace /peIs/ n速度,进度
at a rapid pace 以很快的速度
keep pace with与……并驾齐驱/步伐一致
as well as此处接动名词。 keep to 遵守,遵从
schedule /'?edju?l/ n计划表,进度表,日程表
release v发行 album n专辑
spokeswoman /'sp??ks?w?m?n/ n女发言人,女代言人
meet the deadline 赶上截止时间
otherwise /'?ð??waIz/ adv.否则,要不然
abandon v抛弃,遗弃 come out出版
market v销售 allowance /?'la??ns/ n津贴,补助
far from完全不
far from (being) satisfactory远不令人满意;远非满意
part­time /'pɑ?t taIm/ adj.部分时间的,兼职的

The fans are devoted to their stars. Online they swap information about their super heroes. They yell their names at concerts and beg for autographs. The Kings of Cantopop are Jacky Cheung, Aaron Kwok, Leon Lai, and Andy Lau and their fame is their pension, and they won't quit the concert stage for the rest of their lives. But the new talent isn't far behind. They include Hacken Lee, Andy Hui, Leo Ku, and Edmond Yung. Sammi Cheng easily sells a million albums a year. Their fans find the music clean and refreshing, and the songs are easy to sing in karaoke bars.
Cantopop isn't just a type of pop music but a musical empire. Any music which has millions of fans around the world must be doing something right.
devote /dI'v??t/ v为……付出时间/努力/金钱等
be devoted to对……专一,专注
swap /sw?p/ v(=exchange)交换
swap sth. for sth.用某物交换某物
swap sth. with sb.跟某人交换某物
super /'su?p?/ adj.极好的,了不起的,超级的
yell /jel/ v叫喊,叫嚷
yell out 叫喊,大嚷大叫 yell at 冲……大喊大叫
beg /beɡ/ v请求,恳求
beg for乞求,请求
autograph n亲笔签名
pension /'pen?n/ n养老金;退休金;抚恤金
quit /kwIt/ v离开,辞去
the new talent在此处指“新出现的歌星”。
far behind远远落后
refreshing /rI'fre?I?/ adj.令人耳目一新的
not just/only ...but(also) ...不仅……而且……
which引导定语从句,修饰any music。
do something right做正义之事,做正确之事
歌迷们对他们喜爱的明星非常忠实。他们在网上相互交流超级巨星的信息。他们在他们的音乐会上大喊他们的名字并索要亲笔签名。粤语流行歌曲的天王们有张学友、郭富城、黎明和刘德华,他们的名气就是他们的养老金,他们将不会退出音乐舞台度过余生。但是新星也不甘落后,包括李克勤、许志安、古巨基和Edmond Yung。郑秀文一年很轻松地卖掉100万张专辑。歌迷们认为这些音乐纯净、令人耳目一新,很适合在卡拉OK里点唱。
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