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阅读:2241 次  我要评论(0)  收藏  2010/8/10 8:38:58
[关键词]技巧 框架 概括 论述 多层次 文采 生花
一.   高屋建瓴,框架先具  
1)        概括用语:
The passage/story/article states/talks about /argus /focuses on that……./ 
According to the passage, ……./
From the passage, we know that…….
in my opinion, /as for me,/ as far as I am concerned, /from where I stand, /from my personal angle alone,/ from my personal point of view,/…… 
I do agree with the writer, / I can’t agree more with the writer, /
The writer’s opinion sounds reasonable, but I’m afraid I can’t agree with him./ This opinion sounds right but is hardly practical./ It’s definitely not like that. As a matter of fact,…….
3)        小结用语:
to sum up, /to cut a long story short, / to conclude, /in short, / in general,/ in a/one word, /in brief, / in conclusion, /all in all, / on the whole, /generally speaking,/……
第一环节:概括。概括的对象,无非是一篇记叙文或一篇议论文,或者是一则新闻报导。记叙文或新闻报导的概括,一般包含“什么时间”(when),“什么地点”(where)“什么人”(who), “什么事”(what), “什么结果”(result), 说明了什么道理(theory/topic)。议论文的概括应包含“论点”(topic),“论据”(argument),“结论”(conclusion)。须记住,无论是记叙文还是议论文概括,最后都要点出下文要讨论的话题,以利文章的衔接统一。下面各举一例,稍作示范。
例一(记叙文)The story is about an unforgetable lesson of the writer from an old man while fishing on the bank of the lake, through which the writer realized patience was very important and that it was the secret of success.
例二(议论文)According to the passage, a good education plays an essential part in one’s life, which can release our potential and help us gain better-paid jobs. Therefore, everyone is supposed to receive higher education.
“首先”:firstly, /first of all, /to begin with, / above all, /……
“其次”:secondly,/what’s more,/what’s worse,/what’s more important,/besides, /……  
“再者”:thirdly,/ next,/in addition, / moreover, /……
“最后”: finally,/in the end,/last but not least, /……  
“一方面”, “另一方面”:for one thing, for another thing, / on the one hand, on the other hand
“相反”: instead, /on the contrary, /by contrast./……
“但是”: but……,/however,/nevertheless,/……
     来源:教学资源网  编辑:ruyiwang  返回顶部  关闭页面  
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